I hate to admit it, but Mom was RIGHT!...even about skin care that is.
She knew all too well how much I battled acne, uneven skin tone and other skin problems in my teens and adulthood. She watched me try this new product and that one. She listened as I told her about the latest foundation I'd found that (hopefully) would cover up all the acne marks and magically make the acne disappear. No matter what, she'd always say, "Stop putting all that junk on your face. Your skin needs to breathe."
But I needed something that would work. Until then, makeup and new skin care products were all I had to put a Band-Aid on the problem. I didn't like how I looked or felt without makeup and my skin was in no shape to be seen without it. I tried everything: adjusting my diet, creams and lotions, seeing dermatologists and getting facials. Nothing seemed to work and few did but not for very long.
But one day, mom came to visit me unexpectedly and I didn't have any makeup on: A true nightmare for those of us with skin problems. In fact, she'd rarely seen me without some kind of makeup on to cover my skin issues. When I opened the door, she had a smile on her face that quickly became a concerned frown. A frown that seemed to be saying,"What happened to your skin?"
It was all I needed to make me start wondering if what I was doing was really working. She kept saying during that visit, "Maybe you should stop putting all that junk on your skin and let it breathe like you are now." She was trying to help, I knew that going without makeup wasn't an option.
That moment fired me up. It made me wonder what I had to do to finally get good skin. Skin that made me feel more confident. Skin that looked great with or without makeup. Skin that had a natural glow.
Like many women who aren't happy with their skin, I was on a big mission to finally find THE products that work. My bathroom cabinets were proof. My husband would walk into the bathroom full of products. New , still in the packaging all lined up on my counter tops and shelves.
One day I was hovering over 15 bottles of skin care products and taking a close look at how bad my adult acne had gotten. My husband walked in and says with deep concern," Stop using everything and see what happens."
Between the remarks from my husband and mom something finally clicked.
Maybe the problem was the ingredients in the products. Maybe there was something in them that was actually harming my skin more that it was helping. So the journey began.
I became obsessed with learning about skin care ingredients. I became a certified esthetician and my clients stories were all too familiar: They were on the same journey trying to find something for their skin that could finally make them feel good about it.
I would have customers come in feeling very self-conscious and over all unhappy about their skin. Some would be in near tears. During this time, I realized that much of the products out there didn't have enough of the good-for-you ingredients and too much toxic ingredients, your skin doesn't need making skin conditions such as acne,dryness and oiliness worse.
I knew that no makeup could look good if your skin isn't in good condition. So I started making masks that were made with the best,purest ingredients. My husband now walked into our bathroom not full of skin care products I had bought, but skin care products I was MAKING. It was my own personal skin care lab. It was my passion. I was happy. I felt like I was finally getting somewhere.
This journey was becoming about more than just me. It was bigger than me. It was about every client who came to me. It was about every woman who was searching for skin care that not only worked but was good for her skin.No toxins. No parabens. None of the bad stuff. And definitley no compromise.
Today, Z Glow gives women back their confidence and helps them put their best face forward through its products.
It was made for women like you who care about what goes on their skin(in their products). Our products provide high-performing, good-for-you ingredients that are organic, wild-crafted, free of parabens,non toxic, vegan,chemical-free and not tested on animals.
Want better looking skin? Want to finally put your best face forward with natural skin care that has good-for-you-skin ingredients.
Take the next step now....start your own journey to better skin here.
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